Enjoy the Ride with These Tips
Be ready to pay your fare with exact change or have your SmartTap card out and ready.
- Bus drivers do not have change
- Refusal to pay or provide valid ID for reduced fare can lead to suspension of riding privileges
Passenger Dos & Don’ts

- Use headphones when using audio devices
- Allow disabled and/or elderly riders to board first, and be patient with the operator as they secure wheelchairs or scooters
- Give up seats for disabled and/or elderly riders
- Secure your belongings on your lap or between your legs to keep aisle clear
- Gather together with other riders as bus approaches to limit number of stops per block
- Keep your children under control and avoid distracting the driver
- Wear brighter clothing or use a light to remain visible if riding after dark
- Stay safe – avoid walking in front of the bus

- NO food or drink allowed
- NO animals, except for trained service animals
- NO smoking on the bus, or within 20ft of the entrance of the Transit Center
- NO weapons or hazardous flammable materials
- NO littering – a trash can is available at the front of the bus
- NO excessive noise, running, or horseplay on buses or within transit facilities
- NO canvassing, solicitation or posting, removal, or distribution of materials is allowed without prior authorization