Access Chemung Offers Direct Transport for Qualified Riders
It’s absolutely essential for public transit vehicles to accommodate people of all physical abilities. But CTRAN understands that – for seniors and people with disabilities – it can be a challenge all its own just to travel to bus stops and public transit routes.
That’s why CTRAN offers Access Chemung, a wheelchair-accessible bus service that offers direct pickup and drop off for seniors and people with disabilities. This is a private pay service that will transport eligible riders to their places of employment or non-Medicaid medical appointments.
CTRAN began offering Access Chemung after residents and the Chemung County Coordinated Transportation Committee identified a gap in bus service for seniors and disabled people who don’t live on bus routes or are not covered by Medicaid to access critical medical care.
Access Chemung is available to those who qualify. Call (607) 734-5211 for details.
How to Use Access Chemung
Access Chemung is a curb to curb service, which means both pickup at your home and dropoff at your destination will be direct. Once you are ready to leave your destination, the bus will pick you up at that location and take you directly home.