Environmental Impact of Taking the Bus

CTRAN knows that offering high-quality, safe, and affordable public transit can make a tremendous difference in the lives of our ridership. But we don’t want to stop there.

We also strive to create a healthier future for our environment by making shared transit a more viable option for everyone, including families and individuals with one or more single-occupancy vehicles. This goal and many of our other environmental efforts are based on the findings of a recent Sustainability & Greenhouse Gas Report.

Our Sustainability & Greenhouse Gas Report

According to the report, choosing to take the bus does have a measurable impact on overall carbon emissions and the efficiency of public transit.

The report also showed that single occupancy vehicles contribute the bulk of carbon emissions in the area and that CTRAN’s fleet of vehicles can cut down on overall emissions significantly – especially if ridership continues to grow as people choose to take the bus over cars.

The report states: “Riding the bus can be more affordable than a personal vehicle in the long run. Encouraging a change in habit can be done now and can have a major impact on local emissions.”

Doing Our Part

CTRAN is dedicated to making our operations as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible, and our Sustainability Report is one way we hold ourselves accountable. We continue to explore alternative fuel options for our fleet and bus garage while following best practices to avoid idling any longer than necessary in traffic and at stops.